Suppressing Method Study and Application of Seismic Scattered Wave Based on Local Hyperbolic Radon Transform
Graphical Abstract
Generally,seismic waves scatter when they meet a subsurface heterogeneous body,i.e.a scattering source.Currently,scattered imaging technique which uses scattered waves as effective waves has been used in the identification of special geologic bodies such as caves and fractures.However,in the Gobi Desert,gravel areas,mountain front and other surface complex areas,scattered waves affect the quality of seismic data seriously and are interference waves for seismic field data.Because related research and practical application are not clearly seen at home and abroad,it is necessary to analyze basic characteristics and study denoising method of scattered wave.Firstly,this paper analyzes the geometric characterization of reflection wave and scattered wave based on the t-x relationship in seismic kinematics.Then,finite difference method is applied to simulate scattered wave field and local hyperbolic Radon transform method is proposed to suppress scattered wave for theoretical models.For field CSP data,the limitation of FK filtering to denoise scattered wave is analyzed and then local hyperbolic Radon transform technology is used to remove scattered wave on shot gathers,the results show that scattered wave obtains effective suppression using this method.