Objective: To study the CT characterize of central airway tumors, improve the CT diagnosis of the disease. Methods: Review of basic clinical data and CT findings of 189 cases of the central airway pathological confirmed primary tumor patients, Analyses include: sex, age, growth site, tumor size, shape, density, edge, degree of enhancement, mediastinal lymph node and lung conditions. Results: male: 138, female: 51; age among 3 to 84(average age 56.3 ± 17.7), 165 cases is malignant, 24 is benign. The tumor diameter 3-67 mm, average(25 ± 18.6) mm. Mass in 73 cases of trachea, and 8 cases in carina, left main bronchus in 37 cases, right main bronchus in 28 cases, 12 cases of middle bronchus. The mass was found intracanalicular type in 35 cases, walltype in 29 cases, extraluminal in 6 cases, 88 cases of mixed type. lesion in 40 cases of smooth surface, non smooth in 118 cases, 138 cases of wide basal, narrow base in 20 cases. 37 cases of tumor necrosis, 3 cases of tumor with calcification; 47 cases of mediastinal and hilar lymph nodes, 12 cases with lung metastasis, 8 cases with pleural effusion, 75 cases with pulmonary atelectasis and obstructive pneumo. Conclusion: Different types of central airway tumors have certain features in CT images.