16-Slice Spiral CT Perfusion Imaging in Diagnosis of Pancreatic Disease Abstract
Graphical Abstract
Objective: To assess the characteristics of blood flow for normal pancreas pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer, and to discuss the clinical application value of MSCT perfusion technology. Methods: Selects 20 cases analyses from 26 example MSCT pancreatic perfusion scan. The CT perfusion imaging were obtained using GE Light speed 16 slice spiral CT scanner in 10 patients with pancreatic cancer, 5 patients with normal pancreas tissue and 5 patients with pancreatitis. With 16-CT ADW 4.2 work station apply GE light speed-16 slices CT perfusion for pancreatic with cine mode.(0.5 s<sup<-1</sup<) 120 kV, 60 mA, 5 mm×4. Contrast injection was done by using 50 mL nonionic contrast agent (300 mg·mL<sup<-1</sup<), at a flow rate of 3 mL·s<sup<-1</sup< with power injector, 5s delay, and data collection lasted for 50 seconds. Then perfusion 3 pancreatic software package and the mean <i<Q</i<<sub<b</sub<,<i<V</i<<sub<b</sub<,<i<t</i<<sub<mt</sub< and <i<κ</i<<sub<ps</sub< were measured and <i<t</i< analysis was made. Results: The mean <i<Q</i<<sub<b</sub<,<i<V</i<<sub<b</sub< and <i<κ</i<<sub<ps</sub< between pancreatic carcinoma and normal group were statistically significant (<i<P</i<<0.05), The mean <i<Q</i<<sub<b</sub<,<i<V</i<<sub<b</sub< and <i<t</i<<sub<mt</sub< between pancreatic carcinoma and pancreatitis group were statistically significant (<i<P</i<<0.05).The mean PS was not statistically significant (<i<P</i<<0.05).The mean <i<Q</i<<sub<b</sub<,<i<V</i<<sub<b</sub<, and <i<κ</i<<sub<ps</sub< between pancreatitis group and normal group were statistically significant (<i<P</i<<0.05). Conclusion: MSCT perfusion imaging provides a new method for the diagnosis of pancreatic diseases, and affords new basis for therapy. <i<Q</i<<sub<b</sub<,<i<V</i<<sub<b</sub< of pancreatic cancer shorten significantly and <i<t</i<<sub<mt</sub<, <i<κ</i<<sub<ps</sub< increase markedly. It is significant that MSCT perfusion imaging analyzes the change of the blood flow for pancreatic carcinoma.