Objective: Further recognize CT findings of abdominal Visceral injures. Methods: 56 cases of abdominal truama proven by clinic or operation. were uderwent CT scan and their CT features were analysed restrospectively. Results: In 56 cases of abdominal truama, there were 23 cases splenic contusion. 5 cases of splenic subcapsular hematoma, 4 cases of hematoma of spleen.4 cases of hepatic contusion with subcapsular hematoma, 3 cases of hematoma of lived,5 cases of hepatic and splenic rupture with subcapsular hematoma 2 cases of kidney contusion. 3 cases of subcapsular hematoma of kidney 3 cases of hematoma of kidney, I case of pancreatic contusion and 2 cases of adrenal contusion. Conclusion: CT scan is very important to abdominal visceral injures. The local impression of liver is the feature sign to discriminate between subcapsular hematoma with hemoperitoneum.