ISSN 1004-4140
CN 11-3017/P



许家亮. CT扫描在腹部实质性脏器损伤中的作用[J]. CT理论与应用研究, 2001, 10(2): 24-26.
引用本文: 许家亮. CT扫描在腹部实质性脏器损伤中的作用[J]. CT理论与应用研究, 2001, 10(2): 24-26.
Xu Jialiang. Function of CT Scan in Abdominal Visceral Injures[J]. CT Theory and Applications, 2001, 10(2): 24-26.
Citation: Xu Jialiang. Function of CT Scan in Abdominal Visceral Injures[J]. CT Theory and Applications, 2001, 10(2): 24-26.




Function of CT Scan in Abdominal Visceral Injures

  • 摘要: 目的:进一步提高对腹部实质性器官损伤的CT表现的认识水平。方法:56例经临床、手术证实的腹部外伤患者,男43例,女13例,年龄7~58岁,平均年龄23.2岁,全部行中上腹部CT平扫。结果:56例中,脾挫裂伤23例,脾包膜下血肿5例,脾内血肿4例:肝挫裂伤并包膜下血肿4例,肝内血肿3例:肝脾破裂并包膜下血肿5例,肾挫裂伤2例,肾包膜下血肿3例,肾内血肿3例,胰腺挫伤1例,肾上腺挫伤2例。结论:CT平均对腹部实质性器官的损伤有重要作用,肝实质局限性受压是鉴别包膜下血肿与腹腔积血的较为特征性征象。
    Abstract: Objective: Further recognize CT findings of abdominal Visceral injures. Methods: 56 cases of abdominal truama proven by clinic or operation. were uderwent CT scan and their CT features were analysed restrospectively. Results: In 56 cases of abdominal truama, there were 23 cases splenic contusion. 5 cases of splenic subcapsular hematoma, 4 cases of hematoma of spleen.4 cases of hepatic contusion with subcapsular hematoma, 3 cases of hematoma of lived,5 cases of hepatic and splenic rupture with subcapsular hematoma 2 cases of kidney contusion. 3 cases of subcapsular hematoma of kidney 3 cases of hematoma of kidney, I case of pancreatic contusion and 2 cases of adrenal contusion. Conclusion: CT scan is very important to abdominal visceral injures. The local impression of liver is the feature sign to discriminate between subcapsular hematoma with hemoperitoneum.
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  • 收稿日期:  2001-03-17
  • 网络出版日期:  2022-12-28



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