<b<目的</b< 探讨高压注射器在CT增强扫描中的应用。 <b<方法</b< 高压注射器增强扫描2338例,手推注射法300例。全部患者用优维显1ml静脉注射做碘过敏试验阴性,注射速率2-3ml/s,小儿0.5-1.5ml/s,剂量50-80ml,高压注射器与手推法剂量相同,小儿按公斤体重计算。 <b<结果:</b< 高压注射器注射的副反应;过敏性休克4例,占0.17%,中度反应27例,占1.2%,轻度反应56例,占2.4%,造影剂注射失败9例,占0.39%。手推法副反应;过敏性休克1例,占0.3%,轻度反应5例,占1.6%,没有静脉渗漏。 <b<结论:</b< 高压注射器与手推法相比,造影剂注射速率越快,图像质量好,但药物副反应的发生率较高,副反应的程度也较重。因此,既要提高注射速率,保证质量,又要确保病人安全,应根据不同年龄、不同检查部位、患者身体状况、病情轻重、以及诊断要求来确定注射速率。
<b<Objective</b< Discuss the application of high pressure injector in CT Contrast Enhancement. <b<Methods</b< 2338 patients underwent CT Contrast Enhancement using high pressure injector.300 patients underwent CT Contrast Enhancement by manual injection were also studied as contrast group. All the patients had negative iodin allergy test results before the examination. The inject speed is 2-3ml/s for adult,and it's 0.5-1.5 ml/s for neonates. The dose of contrast media is 50-80ml for adults; and it must be calculated by the weight for neonates. <b<Results</b< In high pressure injector group, 4 cases had severe allergic shock, which occupied 0.17%; 27 cases had moderate reaction, which occupied 1.2%; 56 cases had mild reaction, which occupied 2.4%; and 9 cases were failed to inject, which occupied 0.34%. In manual injection group, 1 case had allergic shock, which occupied 0.17%; 5 cases had mild reaction, which occupied 1.6; and displacement of contrast media didn't happen in any case. <b<Conclusion</b< With the increase of the inject speed of contrast media, the quality of the CT imagine will be improve, but the side effect will be improve too. So the inject speed must be seriously considered according to the age, examination position, and the situation of the patients.