ISSN 1004-4140
CN 11-3017/P


Overview of Statistical Reconstruction Algorithms

  • 摘要: 本文主要综述应用于PET/SPECT领域的统计重建算法,介绍统计重建算法发展的历史,最新的研究成果及研究方向,总结统计重建算法发展的三个概念:有序子集加速、增量方法和优化变换。对现有算法进行归纳总结,关注统计重建的发展带来变革的概念和方法,重点论述算法的思想,勾勒统计重建方法发展的主线。


    Abstract: In this paper,the statistical reconstruction algorithms for PET and SPECT are discussed,including the history,the new improvements and the future.Three concepts that have significant meanings in the development of statistical reconstruction are summarized: Ordered Subset(OS),Incremental Method and Optimization Transfer(OT).In order to show the outline of statistical reconstruction in the past years,this paper focuses on the algorithms that have significant innovations in both concept and method,and introduces the main ideas and motivations of these algorithms.


