ISSN 1004-4140
CN 11-3017/P


The Application of CTA on Head and Neck Anatomy of the Styloid Process

  • 摘要: 目的:运用头颈部CTA对茎突的解剖进行研究。资料与方法:随机选取我院200例进行头颈部CTA检查的受试者,年龄范围21~82岁,平均年龄(57.38±9.99)岁。根据受试者年龄进行分组,A组<60岁,B组≥60岁。将原始数据传入GE AW 4.5工作站进行容积再现(VR),多平面重组(MPR)等后处理,观察颞骨茎突的形态,并分型;测量茎突的长度、内倾角、前倾角及茎突尖端与颈内外动脉之间的最短距离。结果:197例受试者茎突平均长度约为26.79 mm,内倾角约为21.07°,前倾角约为25.03°,茎突尖端与颈内动脉最短距离均值约为6.26 mm,与颈外动脉最短距离均值约为4.15 mm;茎突尖端与颈外动脉最短距离为0的有44个,占总数的11.2%。双侧茎突长度、内倾角、茎突尖端与颈外动脉最短距离及右侧前倾角性别差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05);内倾角、茎突尖端与颈外动脉最短距离左右侧差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。茎突分为4型,各型的比例分别为:完整型(71.75%),发育不良型(22.75%),分节型(4.25%)及未发育型(1.25%)。结论:头颈部CTA不仅能显示茎突的形态、测量茎突的长度、内倾角及前倾角,更能清晰显示茎突与颈内外动脉之间的关系,测量茎突尖端与动脉之间的最短距离,对临床诊断及治疗茎突相关疾病有一定指导及参考意义。


    Abstract: Objective: The anatomical study of the styloid process of the head and neck by CTA. Methods: 200 cases of head and neck CTA imaging in patients were randomly enrolled(by age into A, B two groups, group A < 60 years, B group is over 60 years old) in this study. After the original data were sent to GE AW4.5 workstation, volume rendering(VR), multi planar reformat(MPR) were used and morphological observation of styloid process, and typing, and the measuring styloid process length, inner angle and anteversion and the shortest distance between the tip of the styloid process and the internal and external carotid artery were performed.Results: Average length of styloid process was about 26.79 mm, inner angle about 21.07° and anteversion about 25.03°. The tip of styloid process and internal carotid artery in the shortest distance average is about 6.26 mm, and the external carotid artery of the shortest distance average is about 4.15 mm, there were 44 cases of the shortest distance between the tip of styloid process and the external carotid artery with zero, accounting for 11.2% of the total number. Bilateral styloid process length, inner angle, the shortest distance between the tip of styloid process and external carotid artery and the right side of the front angle of gender difference showed significant differences(P<0.05); inner angle, the shortest distance between the tip of styloid process and external carotid artery between the left and right side of a statistically significant difference(P<0.05). Styloid process was divided into four types: complete type(71.75%); dysplasia type(22.75%); segmental type(4.25%); undeveloped type(1.25%). Conclusion: Head and neck CTA can display styloid process shape, measure the length of the styloid process within the inclination and anteversion, more clearly show the relationship between the styloid process and the internal and external carotid artery to measure the shortest distance between the tip of the styloid process and arteries. It helps to the diagnosis and treatment of the styloid process related diseases.


