ISSN 1004-4140
CN 11-3017/P


Analysis of Ancient Liao Zhu by Using Micro-CT from Machuan Cemetery

  • 摘要: 本文首次运用显微CT技术对中国早期料珠进行研究。X-射线衍射(XRD)及CT切片分析结果表明,河南淅川县马川墓地出土的料珠为玻璃珠,与西周时期的釉砂珠在结构上存在显著区别。显微CT技术为料珠材质的鉴定提供了一种新方法。结合玻璃珠的三维模型表明,战国时期玻璃珠内的气泡以球形为主,内部存在许多细小不规则的空隙,应是采用模压法工艺制造;这是在研究中首次发现战国时期采用模压法工艺制造玻璃珠。西汉时期玻璃珠内的气泡是纺锤状,应是采用拉制法工艺制造。显微CT技术能清晰无损地揭示古代玻璃珠内部结构特点,显示了该技术在古代玻璃珠制造工艺研究中有着广阔的运用前景。


    Abstract: In this study, the Micro-CT was first applied to study ancient Chinese Liao Zhu. The results suggested that the two Liao Zhu were glass beads, not faience beads, and the internal structure of Western Zhou faience beads were distinct from early glass beads. Micro-CT was proved to be a new method to distinguish Liao Zhu. As shown in CT slices and 3D models, the shape of Warring State glass spherical air bubbles are different from West Han glass oblate air bubbles. Many irregular and shape cornered crevices can also be found in M118-100. The differences in intemal structure inferred their differences in manufacture process. The Warring State glass bead M118-100 should be manufactured by mold-casting techniques, and the West Han glass bead M156-23 was possibly manufactured by the drawn technique. Micro-CT provided an effective method to analyze the manufacturing process of ancient glass in a nondestructive manner.


