ISSN 1004-4140
CN 11-3017/P


The Value of 16-slice Spiral CT Angiography in Diagnosis of Moyamoya Disease

  • 摘要: 目的:探讨16排CTA在烟雾病中的诊断价值。方法:回顾性分析12例烟雾病(MMD)患者的临床及影像资料,12例患者均行CT平扫及CTA检查。结果:10例患者CT平扫发现脑实质密度异常,6例表现为脑梗塞、呈多发、对称性,4例表现为脑出血,其中3例为蛛网膜下腔出血,1例为基底节出血,2例CT平扫未见明显异常。5例患者表现为不同程度脑萎缩,以额、颞叶为主。CTA均能显示血管狭窄或闭塞的部位,呈多支动脉受累,可见颅底烟雾状血管及侧支代偿血管。结论:CTA图像不仅可以显示脑实质病变如脑出血、脑缺血,而且可以显示血管狭窄及闭塞,可作为筛查烟雾病的常规检查方法。


    Abstract: Objective: To investigate the value of 16-slice CTA for moyamoya disease. Methods: The clinical and imaging data of 12 cases with moyamoya disease were analyzed retrospectively; All cases were performed by 16-slice CT and CTA. Results: There were abnormal density in 10 of 12 cases, in which 6 cases have cerebral infarction, 3 subarachnoid hemorrhages; 1 brain hemorrhage; 5cases combined of atrophy of brain. CTA clearly indicate the site of vascular stenosis or occlusion of blood vessels in and around the smoke-like shape. Conclusion: CTA can not only clearly indicate of brain paranchymal lesions,such as cerebral hemorrhage and cerebral ischemic foci, but also can show vascular stenosis or occlusion, so CTA can be used as the regular method for the screening of Moyamoya disease.


