The Application of SIRT Tomography to the Karst Area of a Nuclear Power Plant
摘要: 本文阐述了联合迭代法的基本原理,通过4种典型速度模型的数值模拟实验,验证该方法的有效性。以最短路径法做正演,联合迭代法做反演对某核电站岩溶区的井间声波CT探测资料进行成像,最后给出溶洞可能存在的位置。Abstract: Paper first introduces the basic principles of the Simultaneous Iterative Reconstruction method(SIRT). Then the effective of the SIRT method is discussed by doing the numerical model experiment of four velocity models. Finally, the shortest path method is adopted to do forward modeling and an inversion image of a nuclear power plant CT data of crosshole acoustic wave in karst area is applied by using the SIRT method, which, as a result, shows the possible location of the caves.