ISSN 1004-4140
CN 11-3017/P


CT Analysis of the Intracranial Calcification Caused by Hypoparathyroidism

  • 摘要: 目的:进一步认识甲状旁腺功能减退的头颅CT特征。方法:回顾分析9例临床确诊甲状旁腺功能减退的CT资料。结果:CT表现主要为两侧基底节、丘脑、齿状核及半卵圆中心对称性钙化,皮髓质交界区对称性或少许不对称性钙化。结论:甲状旁腺功能减退CT表现具有一定特征性,诊断需结合血清钙磷的测定,本组病例均有血钙和磷测定结果。


    Abstract: Objective:To understand the CT feature of the brain in patients with hypoparathyroidism.Mothods:nine patients with clinically proved hypoparathy roidism CT features of all patients were retrospectively analyzed.Results:CT manifestations of primary bilateral thalamus,basal ganglia,dentate nucleus and semiovale center symmetric calcification,corticomedullary junction symmetry or asymmetry of calcification of little.Conclusion:The calcified lesions seen in brain parenchyma were basically presented with bilateral symmetry.Its diagnosis must be connected with quantitative serum Ca and P.All cases were proved by the laboratory results of abnormal blood Ca and P.


