ISSN 1004-4140
CN 11-3017/P

基于空间连续性的4D CT图像排序算法研究

An Automatic Image Sorting Algorithm for 4D CT Based on Spatial Continuity

  • 摘要: 4D CT图像应用于肿瘤的放线治疗中,能够在全呼吸周期中定位肿瘤的运动,同时有效地减少运动伪影的产生。目前,4D CT在临床应用中需要依靠外部呼吸信号检测装置提供呼吸信号运动信息。本文提出了一种4D CT自动图像排序算法,不需要外部呼吸监测装置,在Cine扫描模式下采集图像数据,从第一个床位开始,利用空间连续性特征,寻找相邻床位之间呼吸相位相同的图像,将其归入相应的图像集合中,以此类推,直到全部床位的图像都归入到相应相位的图像集合中,构成4D CT重建所需要的图像数据集合。本文的算法应用于呼吸体模数据和临床图像数据,观察三维重建图像和冠状面重组图像。对比单独使用的三维重建算法,本算法较好地消除了呼吸运动伪影,能够清楚观察到模拟肿瘤的运动和器官在呼吸运动过程中的变化情况。


    Abstract: 4D CT imaging technology,which could track the movement of the tumor in the entire respiratory cycle and reduce motion artifacts effectively,has been widely used in radiation therapy for tumors.The current 4D CT methods require external surrogates of respiratory motion obtained from extra instrument.In the paper we propose a novel automatic 4D CT sorting algorithm that completes 4D imaging without these external surrogates.The first step of the algorithm is to collect the image data within a cine scan protocol.Beginning with the first couch position,images from the adjacent couch position are selected out according to spatial continuity.The process is continued until images from all couch positions are selected for the entire 3D volume is produced.The algorithm is verified by respiratory phantom data and clinical image data are used to verify the algorithm.The primary test results show that the 4D CT images created by our algorithms have eliminated the motion artifacts effectively and clearly demonstrated the movement of tumor and organ in the breath period.


