Analysis of Scattering in Triple-source Cone-beam CT Based on Monte Carlo Method
摘要: 在医用X-CT中,散射现象对重建图像的质量有重要的影响。多源锥束CT是医用CT的一种发展趋势,可成倍提高时间分辨率。但与单源CT相比,多源CT额外的光源会导致散射现象的加重,因此在实际应用中需要着重考虑这一问题。本文在开源工具EGSnrc的基础上,开发了一套基于蒙特卡罗法的CT仿真软件SimProj,用该软件获得了贴近实际的三源锥束CT投影数据。重建图像显示出了预期的散射伪影,结果分析对优化三源CT的设计和制造有重要的指导意义。Abstract: The scattering has serious influence on the image quality in X-ray CT.Multi-source CT is a trend of future CT system since it can significantly improve the temporal resolution.However, as the number of sources increases, more scattered radiation will occur.The scattering issue should be taken into consideration in the practical applications.A CT simulation software, SimProj, has been developed based on the open source tool EGSnrc to generate cone-beam projections which approach the real data.Reconstructed images from the simulated data show scattering induced artifacts as expected.The analysis results are important and helpful for the optimization of designing and manufacturing of triple-source cone-beam CT.