ISSN 1004-4140
CN 11-3017/P


Simulation Study of Positron Emission Tomography Based on GATE

  • 摘要: 探讨利用GATE仿真软件,来模拟正电子发射断层成像的扫描过程,并进行图像重建研究。介绍了GATE仿真过程中,若干关键参数的设置及计算方法:包括PET探测器的结构设置,被扫描物体的空间结构与活度分布设置,γ光子检测过程中探测器性能参数设置。此外,还讨论了从光子计数数据生成正弦图,以及随后的图像重建过程。作为示例,对西门子公司的Inveon小动物PET扫描仪的进行了仿真成像,成功获得了图像。


    Abstract: To discuss utilizing the Geant4 Application for Tomographic Emission(GATE) software to simulate the imaging process of Positron Emission Tomography(PET),as well as the related image reconstruction.The configuration and calculation of script parameters for several important components in the GATE simulation are introduced,which includes the structure configuration of a PET scanner,the setting of the object's the spatial structure and activity distribution,as well as the determination of detector performance parameters for γ photon detections.The generation of sinogram data from photon counts and the following image reconstruction are also described.As an example,the imaging process of Inveon micro PET for small animals produced by Siemens is simulated and desirable images are obtained.


