ISSN 1004-4140
CN 11-3017/P


Proof of Exact Computing Formula for Lambda Tomography

  • 摘要: 本文给出了局部断层图像重建精确计算定理的简单证明。局部断层图像重建是一类仅需较少的扫面数据的断层成像技术,可以有效降低扫面物体的辐射剂量,提高图像重建速度。文献6针对局部断层成像的概念提出了一种扇形束的一般扫描轨道的局部断层的精确图像重建方法。本文为文献6的定理提供了一个简捷的证明。


    Abstract: This paper re-proves the theorem for exact computing formula of lambda tomography in reference 6.The lambda tomography is a class of technology reconstructing from few scanning data,which can reduce the radiation dose of the scanned objects and improve the speed of image reconstruction.Reference 6 proved an exact reconstruction formula of lambda tomography in the case of fan beam scanning geometry.This paper provides an alternative simplified proof of the theorem in 6.


