A Set Method Simulation of Lower Level Discriminator in Small Animal PET Based on GATE Toolkits
摘要: 由于正电子发射断层扫描中的散射符合计数会使图像质量变差,通过能窗设置,可以减小散射符合计数对图像的不良影响。本文研究能窗下限对PET符合计数的影响;利用蒙特卡罗方法对中科院高能物理研究所研制的Eplus-166型小动物PET进行了模拟,并对如何设置能窗下限进行了研究。本研究指出能窗下限的设置应当根据被扫描生物体的大小而定。通过模拟与实验的对比,进一步证实了蒙特卡罗方法模拟PET的可靠性。Abstract: Scattered coincidences could be harmful to the quality of the image reconstruction.The lower level discriminator can decrease the proportion of scattered coincidence counts.This paper is to validate the effect of the lower level discriminator on the coincidence counts.GATE(geant4 application for tomographic emission) was used to find the best value of the lower level discriminator by modeling the Eplus-166 PET scanner developed by IHEP(Institute of High Energy Physics) in China.It is found that the value of the threshold should be set properly due to the size of the creature to be scanned.Compared with the experiment data,to simulate PET with GATE is practicable.