An Introduction to The CT/Micro-CT Laboratory under University of Iowa and Its Achievements
摘要: 爱荷华大学CT/显微CT实验室是美国该专业中颇有名望的研究单位。它在CT/显微CT理论、技术及床应用等领域研究成果丰硕。作为访问学者的作者曾在该实验室工作一年。为了帮助国内同行了解国外CT/显微CT科学研究状况,促进国际学术交流,特撰写此文与读者共享。Abstract: The CT/Micro-CT Laboratory under University of Iowa in USA is well known in this field. Over the past years, the researchers and collaborators of the laboratory have achieved important results in development and applications of CT theory and technology. As a visiting scholar, the author has worked with the laboratory for one year. The purpose of this article is to share latest information with domestic peers and promote international academic exchange.