The Development of Micro-CT and It's Effect on Making Beauty and Health Improving
摘要: 本文评述美国五家公司的显微CT(以下简称MCT)的现状和发展趋势.在颅颌面病人实行皮肤切片,显示薄层细胞的基础上,结合MCT做二维和三维的CT成像,能立体、详尽和精确地显示皮肤表层5-10毫米,机体组织三维解剖结构,包括表皮、真皮、脂肪、动脉、静脉的空间分布及其相互关系.探讨显微CT和螺旋CT机在其成像分辨率提高的进程,再现美容病体模型的程度可达到亚微米级的精度,为准确掌握病情并制定合理的手术计划提供了重要依据,提高美容-整形的效果.实现全方位扫描和精密三维重建技术在颅颌面皮肤美容和减肥的适应症的应用价值.结论:显微CT三维重建技术是现代皮肤美容和保险的主要诊断方法之一,并具有重要的临床应用价值;近年来工业微焦点CT机其空间分辨率已达5-15微米己发展了用于生物医学的研究1,今后可对皮下组织作精细的CT成像,以了解整形美容、减肥,对当前的美容和保健产品给予在亚微米级、从细胞发育情况的定量评价,表述其CT影像的微观效果.Abstract: The success of the high resolution in X-CT scanners have been reviewed, it has major application in small animal imaging. The industrial computed tomography (ICT) with micro-focus has reached spatial resolution 5~20um,which have been applied to examine the tissues and cells of tats and obtained the distinct microscopic CT images. Micro CT images of the pyramidal neurons of the cerebral cortex, the Bowman's capsule of the glomerulus of kidney and the structure of the hepatic lobules were first reported, Results were very exciting It means that the advanced technologies of ICT can be available to improve the spatial resolution of the medical CT and that the micro CT may be used in making beauty.