Open-negative Tuberculosis Syndrome: Clinical and Imaging Analysis
摘要: 目的旨在提高肺结核开放──菌阴综合征的诊断和鉴别诊断.材料和方法用回顾性分析经病原学或临床确诊的开放型肺结核,而痰菌阴性的42例病人的CT影像表现。结果得到42例均见斑片状高密度灶影,其中41例不规则空洞影,4例与支气管相通;28例卫星灶影,8例纤维索条影,1例仅见小斑片状影伴卫星灶影,10例见斑点状钙化影,2例淋巴结肿大等.结论是CT对结核开放──菌阴综合征的诊断和鉴别诊断有较高的价值,特别是对估价空洞的形态结构,心后区,脊柱旁,后肋膈区,与肺门阴影重叠的病变及少量胸腔积液等方面更有价值.对诊断和疗效的观察较可靠.Abstract: Objective To study the radiographic findings in the diagnosis of open-negative Tuberculosis syndrome. Materials and Methods 42 tuberculosis patients of open-negative syndrome proved by etiology or clinicl treatment were examined by X-ray film and CT. Results Mottling and patchy in filtration were observed in 42 patients, irregular shape cavities in 41 Patients, 28 patients had satellite lesions, 8 with fibrotic stripe, 10 had mottling calcifications, 2 had lymph node enlargement Conclusion CT scan is a valuable method in the diagnosis of open-negative syndrome, especially evaluating lesions of cavity, posterior-heart posterior-costophrenic angle, overlapped by hilum of lung, and so on.