ISSN 1004-4140
CN 11-3017/P


Application of HRCT Scan to Repair The Insufficiency of Lacuna Diagnose

  • 摘要: 目的:应用高分辨CT*(HRCT)扫描方法,增加对头颅腔隙梗塞诊断的可靠性。材料和方法:对临床疑有腔隙的病人,在基底节区及可疑部位加用HRCT扫描,遇到腔隙病灶与像素颗粒难以区分时在相同层面或上下1~2mm处做HRCT扫描。结果:有489例常规CT正常的病例中发现了腔隙灶,在遇到的502例不易诊断的可疑病灶中,经HRCT确诊的真正腔隙灶300例,伪腔隙(像素)202例,同时发现HRCT对正常脑组织结构的显示要较常规CT优越得多。结论:HRCT不仅能提高腔隙性梗塞的检出率,还能辨伪腔隙,是弥补常规CT对腔隙诊断不足的较好手段。


    Abstract: Objective: By means of the application of HRCT scanning to increase brain's lacuna diagnoses reliability. Material and methods: Using by HRCT scan clinic doubtful have lacuna patient on floor burl-borough. Barge up against small lacuna-focus with image-plain grain difficult to differentiate, using HRCT scan in homology lay or fluctuation 1-2mm. Result: In 489 rut CT natural cases discover lacuna-focus. In no-easy diagnostic shadiness lacuna-focus 502 cases, using HRCT diagnosed in deed 300 lacuna- focus, bogus lacuna-focus 202 cases, at one time discover HRCT of up to snuff brain -organise-configurable show then rut CT preponderance. Conclusion: HRCT not only can lacuna- infarcted check come out frank, also be able to differentiate false lacuna. This is preferably artifice of reparation a beaten track CT insufficiency of lacuna resolution diagnoses.


