The CT Image of Stomach Tumor
摘要: 目的:通过总结胃部肿瘤的CT影像表现以及与传统胃肠道的检查手段相比较,从而提高对于胃肠道肿瘤CT表现的认识。方法:通过总结本院32例胃部肿瘤的CT并查阅近两年的相关文献的报道,总结了胃肠CT的影像表现及特点。结果:胃肠肿瘤的CT表现有黏膜增厚,腔内肿块,龛影等等,其所见之结果与手术所见大致相同。总结:胃肠道CT对于胃肠肿瘤的诊断及良恶鉴别,分期,术前制定手术方案有重要价值,是诊断胃肠道肿瘤的重要检查手段。Abstract: Objective: Through summarize the CT image of stomach tumor and contrast with traditional means of gastrointestinal examination thereby to rise the knowledge about the CT image of stomach tumor. Methods: Through to make analysis of 32 CT images of stomach tumor of our hospital and refer to literatures about stomach tumor , summarized the CT image of stomach tumor .Result : The CT image of stomach tumor consist of :the mucous membrane are coarse and irregular ;the mass in the stomach ;niche and so on, and the result of the diagnostic accord with the result of the surgical operation .Conclusion: CT is one of the most important means of gastric examination and has great value in gastric disease .