ISSN 1004-4140
CN 11-3017/P


Analysis of Safety Measure of Using Pressure Injector During Enhanced CT & MR Scanning

  • 摘要: 对2001-01月至2001-11月期间,在煤炭总医院行CT增强扫描和MR扫描使用数控加压注射器发生造影剂外渗的情况进行了回顾性分析。虽然加压注射器由于压力大、注射速度快,容易导致造影剂外渗,但是通过标准的技术操作、静脉穿刺部位和注射针头口径的合理选择以及预注射等措施是可以避免的。


    Abstract: We analysed retrospectively the cases who occur contrast leakage from blood vessels for using pressure injector during enhanced CT and MR scan from January to November, 2001. Because there are relative great pressure, high speed with high pressure injector, so it is easy to result in contrast leakage from blood vessels when injecting. It is preventive through standard operation, chose right puncture position, the gauge of injector needle and so on.


