ISSN 1004-4140
CN 11-3017/P


Some Recent Progress of Geotomography in Germany

  • 摘要: 作者应德国汉堡大学杜达教授的邀请,并获得马克斯-普朗克基金会的资助,于2002年6-8月,在德国访问了五个地球科学机构,就所见所闻并结合与地球CT的文献和网站的资料,初步综述如下,今后本刊将分专题进行补充报道。


    Abstract: The author got the invitation of Prof. S.J. Duda, Hamburg University, and acquired the financial support from Max-Plank Foundation, in June-August, 2002, visited five geo-sciences organizations in Germany. According to our seeing and hearing, and combination with the literatures and internet web in geo-tomography, we report in outline as follows, and will be added the supplements by special subject in next issues.


