CT Characters and Diagnosis of Leukoaraiosis
摘要: 目的 探讨螺旋CT对脑白质稀疏的诊断价值,以提高脑白质稀疏的诊断水平。 方法 对100例脑白质 稀疏患者的CT及临床资料进行回顾性分析研究。 结果 脑白质稀疏好发于50岁以上者,常见于痴呆及脑血管患者。CT特征表现为双侧脑白质 对称性低密度灶,或并发脑梗塞、脑出血及脑萎缩。 结论 熟悉本病的临床和CT特点,对提高本病的诊断正确率有重要价值。Abstract: Objective : To investigate the value of spiral CT in the diagnosis of leukoaraiosis (LA). Methods : Retrospective investigation on cranial CT and clinical was carried out in our 100 admitted cases with LA. Results : LA were more often above 50 years old, its occurrence was related to patients age and pattern of cerebral vascular disease. Conclusion : To understand clinical and CT characters of LA is important for improving CT diagnostic level of Leukoaraiosis(LA).