ISSN 1004-4140
CN 11-3017/P


Heart Contour fitting in PET Image Using Mathematical Morphology and Spline Model

  • 摘要: PET在医学图像技术研究以及临床应用中正扮演着越来越重要的角色。在PET心脏图像中,为了测量心脏对药物的吸收率,对图像中心脏边缘的提取成为测量计算的前提和关键。我们针对PET图像心脏的边缘提取问题,从两个角度分别提出两种方法——基于数学形态学的方法和基于样条模型的方法。数学形态法是先将PET图像二值化,再结合腐蚀和膨胀——两种数学形态学的基本操作对二值图像进行处理,最终获得结果。样条模型是用一组点和连接每相邻两点之间的样条曲线来表示心脏边界,将边缘提取问题转化一个全局最优化问题。针对PET心脏图像特点,我们给出了独特的能量函数作为迭代的停步条件。最后,我们比较了两种方法的结果和效率,结果表明两种方法的分割效果都是令人满意的。具体来说,前种方法的特点在于简单,快速和高效;而后种方法的稳定性和鲁棒性,对PET图像有着非常重要的意义。


    Abstract: PET (Positron Emission Tomography) plays an increasingly important role in the research area of medical image processing. It抯 PET that first introduces quantitative analysis into the field of computer diagnosis. In the heart image of PET, contour fitting is one of the key steps in measuring the medicine absorptivity of the heart. In this paper, we concentrate on the problem of heart image segmentation. We present two different methods to solve this problem — mathematical morphology and spline model. They both get satisfying results in some aspects. The first method,which uses erosion and dilation the two basic operations to process the image, is simple but inflexible, while the second one is robust but time-consuming, which employs a set of spline curves to model the contour of heart, then transforms the original problem to a optimization problem. To seek the global optimal solution, we adopt the Simulated Annealing algorithm (SA), which is a stochastic relaxation technique. In the model, we also present an unique energy function. After solving some technical problems in the implementation of SA, we give comparisons between the two ways mentioned above.


