ISSN 1004-4140
CN 11-3017/P


Contrast Research of The Mediastinal Part Tumor's X-ray and CT

  • 摘要: 目的: 通过X线CT表现及手术病理对照分析了65例纵隔肿瘤的X线及CT表现,探讨纵隔肿瘤的X线征象及CT诊断的意义。材料与方法: 65例纵隔肿瘤全部行X线及CT检查,共中56例行CT增强扫描,对照分析了肿瘤的X线及CT表现特点,总结了X线及CT表现的规律。结果: 位于前纵隔肿瘤者49例,位于中纵隔者9例,位于后纵隔者7例。形态呈椭圆形者35例,呈圆形者21例,呈不规则者9例。边缘部分呈“弧形”并钙化者5例,气管受压者13例。肿瘤全部显示者62例,部分显示者3例。边界清晰者61例,密度均匀者29例,CT值29-36Hu。呈低密度者27例,CT值8-20Hu。呈混杂密度者10例,CT值20-127Hu。结论: 目前对纵隔肿瘤的诊断,应以X线与CT检查相结合,有互补性,有助于诊断减少误诊,并方便快捷应为首选。


    Abstract: Purpose : The X- CT performance and surgical operation pathology to analyze 65 examples mediastinal part tumor's X -ray and CT performance, study the mediastinal part tumor's X-ray the elephant and CT the meaning that examine a patient. Materials and method : 65 cases mediastinal part tumor regulation for X -ray and CT, totally and inside 56 cases enhancement scan, contrast research analyzing tumor and CT performance characteristics, tally upping the X-ray and CT expressing of all. Result : Locating the mediastinal part tumor 49 example, locate the inside mediastinal part 9 example, locate the empress the mediastinal part 7 example. The appearance reports the oval 35 example, report the circular 21 example, report the anomaly 9 cases. The edge part reports the "arc-shaped" and calcified 5 examples, windpipe suffer to press 13 example. All manifestations of tumor 62 examples, part manifestation 3 cases. The boundary is clear 61 examples, density is even 29 examples, CT is worth 29~36 Hu. Report the low density 27 examples, CT is worth 8~20 Hu. Report the mixed density 10 examples, CT is worth 20~127 Hu. Now diagnosis mediastinal part tumor. Conclusion : Should contrast to combine together each other repair with the X-ray and CT, and is beneficial to getting decrease of false diagnosis, and as the first convenience of diagnosis.


