ISSN 1004-4140
CN 11-3017/P


Improvement of CT Contrast (Density) Resolution By Dual Photons Absorption Method

  • 摘要: 目的 提高CT衬度的分辨率。30年来,医学CT经历了原始的第一代CT发展至目前第5代高分辨率CT和高速电子束CT,其成像的空间分辨率和时间分辨率均有明显提高。但CT成像的衬度(密度)分辨率提高并不显著,而衬度分辨率与图像的灰度等级(灰阶)密切相关,是图像清晰度的重要参数。本文对应用双能量光子扫描吸收法以提高CT衬度(密度)分辨率的原理进行分析,并探讨其实际应用的可行性。


    Abstract: Purpose Improvement of CT contrast resolution since 1973, medical CT has gained great progress to improve its spatial and temporal resolutions. Recently, the spatial resolution of the fifth generation of medical CT of high resolution has reached 0.35mm. The temporal resolution of the high speed electronic beam CT has reached 20ms per frame. But the improvement of the CT contrast (density) resolution is not significant. Since the CT contrast (density) resolution is closely correlated with the gray grade of CT image and is very important to the distinction of CT images, so it is necessary to investigate how to improve the contrast resolution of the CT images. Method and Conclusion The principle and mechanism of the dual photons absorption method to improve the CT contrast (density) resolution were suggested and analyzed. The feasibility of this method in practical application was also discussed.


