ISSN 1004-4140
CN 11-3017/P


CT Scanning Tracking Technique for Man-made Experimental Model for Oil Driven by Water

  • 摘要: 岩心的水驱油实验只能得到流体通过岩心前后端的参数指标,而对流体在模型中的运动过程无法直观的显现,通过CT扫描技术,在X射线的CT透视下,可以直接观察到各种流体通过岩心的运移情况,同时能够直观的了解到油水在各种岩心内的分布,进而为研究油水在地层内的各种分布及运动特征提供了有效的可视化手段。


    Abstract: Through experiments of oil being flooded by water on conventional core models, we can only obtain parameters of the liquids at the moment prior to or after their passing through the related models. Nevertheless, we cannot demonstrate the moving process of the liquids inside the core models. By the CT scan technology, however, the overall locomotion process of various liquids passing through core models can be observed clearly, thus the distribution between oil and water in a wide variety of cores can also be directly investigated. The CT scan technology, accordingly, will be necessarily applied as a novel visualized tool for the study on distribution and characteristics of the moving process of water and oil inside the stratum.


