ISSN 1004-4140
CN 11-3017/P


Applications of Spectral Decomposition Technique to Reservoir Prediction

  • 摘要: 目的: 在传统的地震资料解释中存在着复杂地质体的反射层位准确拾取难、沿单一解释层位提取属性不客观等不足。文中介绍一种适用于三维地震数据体的短时窗谱分解和调谐三维体技术。方法:该技术针对薄层单元地质体计算属性,它利用有限带宽地震子波内各种频率分量特性。结果:精细刻划复杂地质体内部地层反射特征,从而客观揭示复杂储层的纵横向变化趋势。结论:以缝洞型碳酸盐岩溶洞实例结果说明方法的有效性。


    Abstract: <b<Objective</b< There are some shortcomings using traditional attribute methods in complex seismic data interpretations. for example, it is difficult to pick up the reflective horizons of complex geological body, that inexact to compute seismic attributes along the single interpreted horizon. <b<Materials</b< In this paper a short time spectral decomposition and three dimension tuning technique for three dimension seismic data is introduced. For the thin bed, translate it from time to frequency. <b<Result</b< Utilizing interesting frequency components of limited band seismic wavelets, it could describe inner reflect characters of complex geological body, and find out the horizontal and vertical variable trend of complex reservoir objectively. <b<Conclusion</b< Finally, the examples for predicting Large Cavity and fracture systems in Carbonate Reservoir show that this approach is effective.


