Imaging Synthetic Scheme for Underground Medium and Material-transport
摘要: 目的:借鉴比较方法论,为研究天气过程的三维成像和在三维动态天气过程的基础上,所发展的描述冷暖气流等多种参数(气压、温度和湿度、风速、风向、水蒸汽密度等)的动态三维显示,初步解决了暴雨和天气预报的难题,促进了天气预报的成功,在地球科学中起到了示范作用。从而联想到在地下介质和物流运移过程的综合成像。资料和方法:本文总结了地面和地下探测手段的多样性,列举了天然地震CT的精度已能达到1~5km的量级,地震人工爆破作勘探可以达到10~20米的成像分辨率,地下电阻率和电磁成像可以分辨到1~2米的量级;将磁共振(MRI)用于地下成像可得到地下水分布的动态观测深度,概括了这三方面的前沿性进展,并与震源的空间分布和地应力相结合,进而设计出综合性的观测系统。发展地下水、岩浆、地应力和活断层结构和地震破裂面等多种参数的动态显示,设计出一套观测系统,并阐述它的科学意义。结果和结论:将以上三方面的观测方法综合起来:可在有火山喷发危险的区域、具有诱发地震危险的大型水库地区,和在发生了强烈地震的地区,为了抗震救灾,有必要同时进行以上三个系统的观测,引入可视化数字科技,便于了解地下水和岩浆的运移过程及相关参数的变化,并配合当前已有的综合监测系统(震源空间分布、地震应力和其他前兆等),服务于保障大型水库的安全、促进强震预测,及对火山喷发、矿井塌陷、突出的监测预报。Abstract: Objective : Making reference to the development of weather forecast and increasing meteorological parameter in weather predication process, the author provide an Imaging Synthetic Scheme for underground material-transport, by introducing the comparison methodology. This synthetic scheme may including to explore the seismic active faults, to reveal some basic characteristics of the spatial distribution of groundwater and magma chamber, and to inspect the seismic activity in reservoir region and hoping to predict the earthquake risk in some seismic belts. Materials and Methods : Detecting the seismic belts by means of "seimic tomography method" getting seismic profile. The resistivity tomography has been widely used in exploring potential faults and ground water and magma chamber. The resistivity image distribution may be combined with nuclear magnetic resonance tomography(NMR). Conclusion and result : In this paper comparison and research by the methodology principles, technology and application between weather process and underground material-transport are made, and suggestion for detection of groundwater with NMR technology are combined with seismic tomograpy and resistivity tomography method and other well-known seismic detect methods, for exploring underground medium and material-transport and its dynamic process, serving in estimate the seismic risk and the possibility of volcano eruption.