ISSN 1004-4140
CN 11-3017/P


孙永光, 刘大彤

孙永光, 刘大彤. 严重急性呼吸综合症的胸部影像表现和进展过程[J]. CT理论与应用研究, 2003, 12(4): 17-21.
引用本文: 孙永光, 刘大彤. 严重急性呼吸综合症的胸部影像表现和进展过程[J]. CT理论与应用研究, 2003, 12(4): 17-21.
SUN Yong-guang, LIU Da-tong. The Imaging Diagnosis of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome[J]. CT Theory and Applications, 2003, 12(4): 17-21.
Citation: SUN Yong-guang, LIU Da-tong. The Imaging Diagnosis of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome[J]. CT Theory and Applications, 2003, 12(4): 17-21.




  • 中图分类号: R563.8;R814.42

The Imaging Diagnosis of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome

  • 摘要: 目的 :回顾SARS表现和进展过程。 材料和方法 :胸部正位片的来源是经过临床诊断和治疗的22名SARS患者(男8,女14,平均年龄39.9岁,年龄范围14-73岁)。胸部软组织的变态反映,分布状态及范围的胸片,甚至包括原始的胸部表现都有备份证明文件。比较每一个病人的连续的胸片的肺部的总体百分数来认知放射进展图像。 结果 :22中的19个初始胸片是异常的。肺部周边地区(22中15)是容易被感染的。单一病灶在肺的上,中,下野的分布是没明显分别(上肺野5例,中肺野6例,下肺野8例)。单一的病灶(22中19)比多发的和双边受浸更常见。经过证明没有空洞,淋巴结大和胸膜渗出。最初的单发病灶在治疗过程中22个有14个进展成为单面多发或者双面受累。 结论 :病变主要集中在外周,在治疗过程中单发病变发展成为单面多发和双面的普通进展影像,和没有空洞,无淋巴结大,无胸膜渗出液是SARS的主要影像特征。
    Abstract: Purpose : To retrospectively evaluate the radiographic appearances and pattern of progression of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). Materials and methods : Chest radiographs obtained at clinical presentation and during treatment in 22 patients with confirmed SARS (8 men, 14 women; mean age, 39。9 years; age range, 14-73 years) were assessed. Radiographic appearances of pulmonary parenchymal abnormality, distribution, and extent of involvement on initial chest radiographs were documented. Recognizable patterns of radiographic progression were determined by comparing the overall mean percentage of lung involvement for each patient on serial radiographs. Results: Initial chest radiographs were abnormal in 19 of 22 patients and showed air-space opacity. Lower lung zone (15 of 22) were more commonly involved. In most patients, peripheral lung involvement was more common (15 of22). Unifocal involvement (19of 22) was more common than multifocal or bilateral involvement. No cavitation, lymphadenopathy, or pleural effusion was demonstrated. Initial focal air-space opacity in 14 of 22 patients progressed to unilateral multifocal or bilateral involvement during treatment. Conclusion : Predominant peripheral location; common progression pattern from unilateral focal air-space opacity to unilateral multifocal or bilateral involvement during treatment; and lack of cavitation, lymphadenopathy, and pleural effusion are the more distinctive radiographic findings of SARS.
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  • 收稿日期:  2003-09-17
  • 网络出版日期:  2022-12-28



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