The visual human data set is the fundamental data set for anatomical information of the human body. In order to locate the human structure in 3-dimensional space precisely and to compare the data set among different individuals conveniently, we suggested and created a universal coordinate system of the human body in which the pubic symphysis horizontal plane was determined as the universal standard original zero plane. The human body can be subdivided into two portions by the original plane. The upper portion includes the head, neck, thorax, abdomen, arm and forearm. While the lower portion includes:the pelvis, lower extremity and hand. The human universal coordinate system can provide a standard geometrical frame for the comparison among different individual data set of the visual human and the precise localization for every voxel in the important structure of the human body. The human universal coordinate system can also be used in the segmentation, matching and reconstruction of images by the coordinate transformation and is of great use in clinical diagnosis, navigation operation, radiation therapy, locomotive function and the human engineering researches.