<b<目的</b< 探讨急性胰腺炎的CT表现与血、尿淀粉酶的变化的相关性,以便指导临床治疗。 <b<方法</b< 回顾性分析已确诊的急性胰腺炎63例,将其CT改变分为五个级别,各级病例分别与相应的血清、尿淀粉酶数值对比分析。 <b<结果</b< CT改变为A级时,血尿淀粉酶轻中度升高;B级时中度升高;C级时显著升高;D级时趋向下降;E级时显著下降。 <b<结论</b< CT检查可以准确地反映急性胰腺炎B、C、D、E 级的病理变化,明显优于淀粉酶值的改变,而对于早期仅限于间质水肿的炎症,CT诊断困难,主要依靠血、尿淀粉酶。
<b<Objective:</b< To evaluate the relationship between CT findings and the changing of serum and urine amylase in diagnosis of acute pancreatitis. <b<Methods:</b< 63 cases with acute pancreatitis were divided into five grades based on CT findings,and the CT grading relevant to the serum and urine amylase were analyzed. <b<Results:</b< The serum and urine amylase increase slightly or moderately in grading A, moderately in grade B, markedly in grade C, but tended to decrease in grade D, and decreased dramatically in grade E. <b<Conclusion:</b< CT examination is superior to the serum and urine amylase in evaluation of acute pancreatitis with B, C, D and E. But for grade A, accurate diagnosis should be made based on CT findings combined with the changing of serum and urine amylase.