ISSN 1004-4140
CN 11-3017/P


A Preliminary Analysis of the Tomography Problems in Constructing Bridge and Dike-Road across Taiwan Strait

  • 摘要: 关于在台湾海峡架桥和修筑隧道的问题从1987年至2002年在福省召开过三次“台湾海峡两岸地质地震和架桥与修筑隧道的研讨会”,以后陆续出版了相应的论文和论文集,提出了“台湾海峡架桥和修筑隧道的可行性研究”,和“台湾海峡隧道工程设计总建议”等,论述了修建该工程的可行性等问题。提出平潭岛可作为海峡北线的端点。探讨了如何具体建桥和相关工程的问题。近年来地球层析技术的发展,可对台湾海峡隧道工程的工程地质问题,海港的开发和沿海陆地的充分利用等,做出探测台湾海峡地下地层三维成像细结构和地球物理场的空间分布,作为台湾海峡架桥铺路工程基本设计的必要依据。为了让大中小轮船在台湾海峡顺利通航,利用现代的科技研讨台湾海峡两岸连接的最佳方案。为了架成大型的高桥和修建堤坝式的地基,必须用地震层析和应力波等方法探测桥梁和堤坝地基的结构和地层的坚实程度,以便决定桥墩深入海底的深度,和设计坚固而又经济的桥墩与堤坝的基础。参考开采海底石油平台施工和荷兰填海造田的工程经验,以双边海堤与大型高桥及活动的船闸相结合,从平潭岛东至台湾新竹西海岸,在124千米距离上架设4-6段桥梁和5-7段堤坝型的路基,既让大中小船舶照常航行,海洋生物照常游动,又可在其上通车,以缩短两岸距离,适应中国大陆和台湾经济快速发展的需要,争取和平沟通的愿望。由于架桥铺路的工程费用较修筑隧道的投资低得多,在福建近海地带局部填海造地,充分利用海洋资源和建筑深水码头,可得到较大的经济补偿,在现阶段较易实施。本文初步分析了有关的地球层析和工业CT技术的作用问题。


    Abstract: The construction of the bridge across Taiwan Strait has been studied for a long time and the feasibility study that has attracted attention among scientists and engineers on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. The key question is whether this bridge and dike-road across Taiwan Strait can be constructed with present technology under such complex geological conditions or not. The results of current researches indicate that the sea floor of the Strait is covered with a horizontal layer composed of both the Pleistocene and the Holocene sandstone and shale with a thickness of about 200~300m. The distance from Pingtan island to Xinzhu seashore is 124 km,which might be connected by 4-6 section bridges and 5-7 section of dike-roads, and serve as a best program of the route in the north Strait section. The NE offshore fault along the Fujian coast and that along the west coast of Taiwan are the major tectonic lines separated by several NW faults under the upper horizontal layer, these fault's 3D feature may be detecting by geo-tomography technique, which can help to deal with the foundation of bridge and dike-road piers. It is judged that the construction of bridge and dike-road beginning from Pingtan to the Xinzhu seashore is worth recommendation. In the procedure of the construction of large and high height bridges, must consider the steel structural member be detected by industrial CT technology, and might detect the pier of bridge and dike-road which built by steel tube and reinforced concrete at dike-roads two side, in order to get the hard basement and getting the depth of the pier extend below the sea-floor by the seismic tomographic detection method.


