Study Calcify Metastatic Tumor in Brain of CT
摘要: <b<目的</b< 总结钙化性转移的CT表现及其与原发肿瘤的关系。 <b<材料与方法</b< 复习经过病理及手术证实身体各部位存在原发恶性肿瘤并伴有身体其他部位钙化性转移的病例25例,病人年龄34-83岁,其中肺癌20例,乳腺胶质癌3例,结肠粘液腺癌3例,成骨性骨肉瘤1例,卵巢粘液腺癌2例,采用CT平扫加强化扫描。 <b<结果</b< 20例患者CT扫描显示,颅内钙化性转移表现为脑实质内结节状或不规则斑片状高密度影,边缘欠清晰,增强扫描结节状及斑片状高密度影轻微强化,边缘变清楚,外形轻微增大。 <b<结论</b< 钙化性转移是一种少见的转移方式,当某一患者身体某一部为患有原发癌,而其它部位发现钙化性病变,不应忽视钙化性转移的可能。Abstract: <b<Objective:</b< To study the display of the calcify metastatic tumor in the brain and analyzed the relationship with the idiopthic tumor. <b<Methods:</b< Revise the 20 diseases have idiopthic tumor of body and the calcify metastatic tumor in the brain which have been confirmed with surgery operation and pathology. The patients was aged from 34-83 years. Account CT and contrast-enhanced CT was employed to exam the patients. The idiopthic tumor of body was the cancer of lung, breast cancer, the cancer of the colon or rectum, the osteosarcoma and the cancer of ovary. <b<Results:</b< The calcify metastatic tumor in the brain was showed the calcify nidus in the brain with the routine CT scaning; in the contrast-enhanced CT scanning, it will show the density of the calcify nidus in the brain is rising, and it's edge become clarity, it's figuration become slight bigger than the source. <b<Conclusion:</b< CT is a good technique to show the calcify metastatic tumor in the brain. When CT show the calcify nidus in the brain with a patient who has the idiopthic tumor in the body except the brain, we should take into account whether it is the calcify metastatic tumor.