ISSN 1004-4140
CN 11-3017/P


Clinical Value of MSCT in Judging Hypertension by Kidney Arterial Imaging

  • 摘要: 目的: 评价多层螺旋CT(multislicecomputedtomographyMSCT)血管造影(CTangiography,CTA)在肾血管性高血压筛查中的临床应用价值。 方法: 对157例临床怀疑肾动脉狭窄患者行多层螺旋CT肾动脉CTA检查,将获得的轴位扫描图像经过适当处理后,行3D后处理,包括SSD、MIP、VR,MPVR。 结果: 157例患者均获得了较满意的肾动脉CTA图像,清晰地显示肾动脉主干及其分支。 结论: MSCT肾动脉CTA检查作为一种安全、经济的检查方法,在对肾血管性高血压的筛查中完全可以替代DSA,常规作为怀疑肾动脉狭窄之患者的筛选检查的首选方法。


    Abstract: Purpose: To evaluate the clinical value in judging kidney blood vessel hypertension by Kidney angiography using MSCT. Method: To test 157 hypertension patients through the kidney arterial imaging by using of multi-slice CT(MSCT) with 3D imaging methods: SSD, MTP, VR, MPVR. Result: 157 patients all were acquired the more satisfied kidney artery CTA images, showing the kidney artery stem block and its branches clearly. Conclusion: MSCT kidney arterial CTA can replace DSA sufficiently, as a safe and economical judging method, and will be the best choice to examine the patient who have narrow kidney arterial.


