Emergence of The Contraband Object Based on The Compton Back-scattering
摘要: 本文在分析基于CBS的人身安检图像基础上,提出了基于数学形态学膨胀累加、双阈值分割的违禁品分割算法。采用形态学的膨胀累加算法可以有效抑制噪声并提高目标能量;利用连通性判断获得违禁品候选区域;最后通过获得的数据对违禁品目标进行有效地凸现。Abstract: On the basis of the analysis of image in the Body Searching System based on the CBS, the paper brings forward segmentation arithmetic of the contraband object based on Mathematical Morphology and double threshold values.It is effective that adopting expansion accumulation arithmetic can avoid restraining noise and improve the object energy, judging contraband area by connectedness, finally making contrand emergy effectively through obtaining the data.