ISSN 1004-4140
CN 11-3017/P


Feasibility of 16-slice helical CT Angiography with low dose Contrast Agent in the Lower Extremity

  • 摘要: <b<目的:</b< 探讨l6排螺旋CT低剂量造影剂下肢血管成像的可行性。 <b<资料与方法</b< 66例下肢CT血管成像(CTA)分为3组,采用不同的造影剂量:150 ml,120ml和80ml。根据原始图像和最大强度投影(MIP)重建图像评价,3组下肢动脉显示程度;并测量动脉内造影剂的浓度。 <b<结果:</b< 下肢动脉在3组病例中均清晰显示.显示程度评分,3组间无统计学差异。3组动脉内的造影剂浓度均维持在较高的水平,统计学无显著性差异。 <b<结论</b< l6排螺旋CT下肢血管成像使用低剂量造影剂可以满足临床需要。


    Abstract: <b<Objective</b< To study the feasibility of 16-sice CT angiography with low dose contrast agent in the lower extremity. <b<Materials and Methods</b< Sixty-six patients with lower extremity 16-slice CT angiography were divided into 3 groups according to the dosage of contrast agent as follows:150ml,120ml,and 80ml.Each group was graded by using source image and MIP reconstruction for vascular delineation of lower extremity artery. <b<Results</b< The lower extremity artery in all groups were well delineated and there were also no significant difference statistically among the three groups on subjective graded scores.CT attenuation values in the artery were high,and with no significant difference among three roups. <b<Conclusion</b< It is feasible to use low dose contrast agent with 16-slice CT angiography in low extremity.


