High Density Resistivity Image
摘要: 介绍在地质大学电法科研组“高密度电阻率法正、反演软件”的基础上,研制高密度电阻率法2.5维电阻率成像系统;讨论不平地形条件下高密度电阻率法2.5维电阻率成像的算法和软件,可用于九种常用电极装置观测结果的电阻率成像。对理论和实测数据的成像结果表明,该成像系统程序运行稳定,成像效果很好。Abstract: The algorithms and software system of 2.5-D resistivity image for High Density Resistivity in the condition of rolling terrain are discussed.This software system can be used for nine common pole-arrays.The image results for modeling and measured data indicate that the algorithms are exactness,the program is stabilization and image effects are fine.