Application of PET in Clinical Diagnosis and Study on Alzheimer's Disease
摘要: 随着我国人口老年化的加快,老年性痴呆(AD)发病率呈逐年升高的趋势,AD严重危害老年人的身心健康,引起了医学界和社会各界的重视,对AD的研究也越来越深入。本文论述了AD的病因、病理与诊断现状,PET在AD诊断中的应用,尤其是对PET在AD早期诊断中作用及其进展做了详细论述,并对PET在AD诊断中的发展进行了展望。PET作为代谢显像,已成为帮助AD诊断和鉴别诊断的重要辅助手段。随着反映代谢的不同种类显像剂的开发和定量分析方法的改进,PET必将为AD早期诊断,提高患者生存率发挥越来越重要的作用。Abstract: Alzheimer's disease(AD)is syndrome which begins with memory loss and visuo-spatial problems.With an increase of elderly population in our country,incidence in AD will grow.Subsequently,a series of medical and social-economic problems are caused by it.Up to now,there is no effective treatment for AD.It is a good choice of making an early diagnosis of AD to take active intervention to improve survival.Pathology,etiology,current status of diagnosis of AD,advance and application of PET in diagnosis of early stage AD are included in this article.PET,which is a functional imaging tool,can be used to diagnose and identify early AD. With the development of new radio-tracers and improvement of quantitative analysis,PET will play a more and more important role in study on AD in the future。