Siemens Multi-Slice CT New Technologies
摘要: 多排螺旋CT的推出使得CT临床应用能力大大提高,CT扫描仪进入了一个快速发展的时期。本文通过介绍双向飞焦点Z-Sharp技术、自由螺旋SureView等技术,比较各种螺旋重建算法,以及剂量调节方案CAREDose4D等新的西门子CT技术,呈现西门子在CT革新中所作的努力,Sensation64排CT在市场上大受欢迎证明了这些技术的优越性。Abstract: With rolling out the multi-slice spiral CT, the ability of CT application is strongly enhanced, and CT scanner comes into the period of fast developing. In this paper, the representative Siemens CT new technologies, including Z-Sharp, SureView, spiral reconstruction algorithms and CARE Dose 4D and so on are introduced, which show the efforts of Siemens in CT innovation. The great success of Siemens 64 in the market has demonstrated its excellence.