ISSN 1004-4140
CN 11-3017/P


Research on CT System Imaging Quality

  • 摘要: 自1972年第一台临床CT机应用以来,CT技术得到了迅速发展,其扫描范围、速率、成像质量都大大提高,已广泛应用于医学诊断的诸多领域。然而无论是单排还是多排CT扫描成像系统,影响成像质量的繁杂因素依然存在,研究这些因素及相应解决办法仍是目前许多著名CT制造商研发的重点和热点之一。本文从物理和系统角度出发,介绍影响CT成像质量的因素及相应解决方案,为CT系统开发提供参考依据。


    Abstract: CT technology has got fast growth after the birth of the first clinical CT imaging system. Its scan range, rate and image quality has been improved hugely. And now CT is widely applied in clinical diagnosis, assistant therapy and other fields. But much issues still exist in CT system development. The image quality is one of the key issues. Factors influencing CT image quality are analyzed from physics and system point in this paper and their related solutions are also discussed.


