ISSN 1004-4140
CN 11-3017/P


Iso-surface Reconstruction for Cone-beam CT Volume Data and Display Improvement Based On GPU

  • 摘要: 本文提出一种采用可编程显卡的计算能力来加速锥束CT体数据等值面重构的方法,并进行多方面的改进,有效地提高移动立方体(Marching Cubes)算法的性能。最后在表面绘制中引入深度剥离技术实现顺序无关透明度显示,对帮助理解锥束CT体数据和缺陷检测起到很好的效果


    Abstract: We present a approach to accelerating isosurface reconstruction for cone-beam CT volume data by exploiting the power of programmable GPU,and improve on several aspects,achieve much better performance of Marching Cubes algorithms.Then we Introduce Depth Peeling technique to implement order-independent transparency,achieving better comprehension of the volume data and defect inspection.


