The Primary Experimental Study of Thermal Neutron Tomography in SPRR-300
摘要: 热中子照相技术在检测含氢材料、重金属等样品方面是X射线等其他无损检测技术的有益补充,热中子层析照相技术研究在国内尚是空白。利用SPRR-300基于CCD的热中子数字照相装置、带孔铝圆柱为实验样品,采集了样品某截面36×552组投影实验数据,在对数据进行预处理前后,采用滤波反投影方法重建了断面图像。重建图像揭示了样品的基本结构,验证了利用SPRR-300热中子数字照相装置进行热中子层析照相技术研究和装置研发是可行的,为下一步工作奠定了基础。Abstract: Thermal neutron radiography is a useful complementary tool of the other non-destructive testing methods for the hydrogenous materials and heavy metal subassembly,and thermal neutron tomography has not been developed in China.By the use of the CCD-based thermal neutron digital radiography facility in SPRR-300 reactor and the Al column sample with holes,the projecting data of 36 multiplied 552 groups are collected.After and before the data are processed,the tomography image is gotten by the filter anti-projection,and the tomography image reveals the basic structure of the sample and it approves that it is feasible that thermal neutron tomography is developed by the uses of the thermal neutron radiography facility in No.300 reactor and it is ready for future work.