ISSN 1004-4140
CN 11-3017/P


Low-dose CT Cardiac Imaging

  • 摘要: 采用CT进行心脏成像是CT临床应用中最前沿的进展,心脏扫描中采用较低的螺距使得病人的辐照剂量较高,我们提出一种不同的数据采集和图像重建技术,使病人的辐照剂量减少了50%~89%。该方法的使能技术是64排CT的大容积覆盖范围(40mm),相对于心脏的平均尺寸是120~140mm,新的容积CT在3~4步就能够覆盖整个器官。伴随新的数据采集方式,我们也提出了对应的重建算法,克服了不完全投影采样的问题,还进行了广泛的模体和临床实验来阐明所提出方法的有效性。


    Abstract: Cardiac imaging with computed tomography (CT) is one of the most recent advancements in CT clinical applications.Because of the low helical pitch employed in the cardiac acquisition protocols,radiation dose to patient is high.In this paper,we present a different data acquisition and image reconstruction technique that reduces dose to patient by 50%~89%.The key enabler for such technique is the large volume coverage (40 mm) of the 64-slice scanner.Compared to an average heart size of 120 mm to 140 mm the new VCT scanner is capable of covering the entire organ in 3 to 4 steps. In conjunction with the new acquisition,we present a complimentary reconstruction algorithm that overcomes incomplete projection samples.We conducted extensive phantom and clinical experiments to demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed approach.


