ISSN 1004-4140
CN 11-3017/P


CT and MRI Features in Gynecological Acute Abdomen-Torsion

  • 摘要: 本文通过典型病例,结合文献回顾了卵巢肿瘤蒂扭转的典型CT、MRI表现,并进一步探讨了引起扭转的疾病之间的鉴别诊断。


    Abstract: To describe the CT and MRI features of gynecological acute abdomen such as torsion of ovarian tumors: A.Note the whirling soft tissue protrusion between the mass and uterus.B.Enlarged blood vessel around whirling soft tissue protrusion.C.The uterine is shifted toward to the lateral part of the mass.D.Hemorrhagic contents is seen in cystic lesion.E.After hemorrhagic infarction of the diseased ovary,cystic wall appears high intensity rim on T1WI,and the mass and whirling soft tissue protrusion is not enhanced after the administration of contrast material.The end,to investigate differential diagnosis of adnexal torsion,such as torsion of ovarian tumors,torsion of a normal adnexa,and torsion of a uterine myoma.


