Overview of RP-Oriented CT Image Processing Technology
摘要: 图像反求建模是实现快速成形的关键技术之一,根据CT图像的二维信息,通过图像分割、二值化处理,提取所需边缘轮廓,重构出三维CAD模型,转换成快速成形的标准数据格式,制造出实物三维模型,在生物医学领域有着广泛的应用前景。本文在国内该领域研究现状基础上,讨论了CT图像反求建模的流程及在快速成形中的应用。Abstract: Data modeling in reverse engineering is one of key technologies to realize RP. According to the 2D information of CT image, the edge contour was extracted by the image segmentation and binary image processing. Then the 3D CAD model was reconstructed. 3D physical model was made by reconstructing the 3D CAD model, converting into standard data for RP. It has wide application in the biomedicine domain. Based on the state of the study, the process of CT image reverse model and its application on RP were discussed.