ISSN 1004-4140
CN 11-3017/P


MRI Study on the Effects of Platinum-based Chemotherapy on Brain Lateralization in Patients with Lung Cancer

  • 摘要: 本研究旨在探讨铂类药物化疗对肺癌患者左右大脑半球皮层厚度的影响及其偏侧性特征。通过回顾性分析2019年1月至2021年6月期间于南京鼓楼医院191例接受过1次头颅磁共振3D-T1WI序列检查的患者,其中包括38例接受过铂类药物化疗的肺癌患者、113例未接受任何形式化疗的肺癌患者以及40例在年龄、性别及教育水平上相匹配的健康对照者。通过比较3组人群之间大脑皮层厚度的变化,采用双样本t检验来评估不同组间大脑皮层厚度的具体差异。在接受铂类药物化疗或未接受化疗的肺癌患者中,多个皮层区域的厚度与健康对照组相比存在显著差异。特别地,相较于健康对照组和化疗组,未接受化疗的肺癌患者在其左右两侧半脑的前扣带回喙部以及颞上回皮层厚度方面表现出更加明显的差异。此外,健康对照组与接受铂类药物化疗的肺癌患者在右额下回盖部皮层厚度上呈现出随年龄增长而逐渐变薄的趋势,而在未接受化疗的肺癌患者中则未见此相关性。本研究表明肺癌可能引起大脑皮层萎缩现象,尤其是对于那些尚未接受铂类等抗癌药物治疗的患者而言更为突出。同时,这种由疾病状态引发的大脑结构改变还具有一定的偏侧化特点。


    Abstract: This study aimed to investigate the impact of platinum-based chemotherapy on cerebral cortex thickness in patients with lung cancer, focusing on bilateral hemispheres and lateralization characteristics. Data from 191 participants who underwent head magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with a 3D-T1WI sequence at Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital between January 2019 and June 2021 were retrospectively analyzed. The sample included 38 patients with lung cancer who were treated with platinum-based chemotherapy, 113 patients with lung cancer who did not receive any form of chemotherapy, and 40 healthy controls matched for age, sex, and educational level. Cortical thickness changes were compared among the three groups using a two-sample t-test to evaluate specific differences. Significant differences in the thicknesses of multiple cortical regions were observed between patients with lung cancer (both those who received and did not receive platinum-based chemotherapy) and healthy controls. Notably, patients with lung cancer who did not receive chemotherapy exhibited more pronounced differences in the anterior cingulate gyrus and superior temporal cortex in both hemispheres than the healthy control and chemotherapy groups. Additionally, in the healthy control group and patients with lung cancer receiving platinum-based chemotherapy, the thickness of the right inferior frontal gyrus decreased with age; however, this correlation was not observed in patients with lung cancer who did not receive chemotherapy. This study suggests that lung cancer may lead to cortical atrophy, particularly in patients who have not received platinum-based anticancer drugs. Furthermore, structural changes in the brain induced by disease exhibited a certain degree of lateralization.


