ISSN 1004-4140
CN 11-3017/P


Optimization and Verification of Observation Systems in Engineering Refraction Seismic Prospecting

  • 摘要: 在横向非均质性较强的山区进行工程折射波勘探时,通常采用在检波器排列内放炮的观测系统,并通过初至层析方法反演速度剖面。但当测线较长需要移动排列采集数据时,相邻排列的衔接方式对速度反演和地质解释的影响尚不明确。本文以数值模拟方法研究了相邻排列首尾相接、相邻排列首尾相接并布置排列外炮点和相邻排列部分重叠三种类型的观测系统。基于垂向梯度速度模型中射线覆盖范围定性分析、起伏界面两层地质模型射线正反演和野外实测数据反演,从反演效果和野外工作量两个方面对三种观测系统进行了对比分析和优选。研究结果表明,相邻排列首尾相接并设置排列外炮点的观测系统的反演效果最好、野外工作量最少,是最优的观测系统。


    Abstract: in engineering seismic refraction exploration in mountainous areas with strong transverse heterogeneity, an observation system with shots distributed in receivers array is often employed. The velocity profile is then inverted from first-arrival times using ray tomography. However, in the case of a long survey line, the influence of the connecting mode of adjacent arrays on the field workload and inverted profile has not been investigated in detail and clearly. This paper examines three observation systems: adjacent arrays connected head to tail, adjacent arrays connected head to tail and with out-array shots, and adjacent arrays with partial overlap. Through an analysis of the ray coverage in a vertical gradient velocity model, the ray tracing and inversion on the two-layer model, and the inversion of the field data, the inversion quality and field workload of the three observation systems are evaluated comprehensively. Because of its best inversion effect and the lowest field burden, the system with adjacent arrays connected head to tail and with out-array shots is considered to be optimal observation system.


