ISSN 1004-4140
CN 11-3017/P


Impact of Reconstruction Algorithm and Filter on Artificial Intelligence Measurement of Coronary Artery Calcification Scores

  • 摘要: 目的:分析重建算法与滤过核对人工智能(AI)测量冠状动脉钙化积分的影响,评估AI测量钙化积分的准确度及危险分层的一致性。方法:连续选取2024年1月我院的冠状动脉钙化积分CT图像进行回顾性分析,共纳入30例,男性18例,女性12例。改变重建算法(FBP、迭代iDose4 level 1~5)与滤过核(Cardiac Standard、Cardiac Sharp)重建出12组图像。采用两种方法(AI图像工作站、CT工作站)分别测量12组图像的冠状动脉Agatston积分(AS)、容积积分(VS)以及质量积分(MS)并计算危险分层。对不同重建算法的图像,使用AI测量和CT工作站测量所得AS、VS、MS进行多样本Friedman检验,对两种滤过核的图像,使用AI测量及CT工作站测量所得AS、VS、MS进行配对Wilcox检验。12组图像使用两种测量方法所得AS、VS、MS进行配对Wilcox检验及组内相关系数(ICC)检验。以CT工作站测量所得结果为参考,采用加权Kappa系数,分析危险分层一致性。结果:Cardiac Standard滤过核时,不同重建算法图像AI所得AS与VS存在统计学差异,MS无统计学差异。Cardiac Sharp滤过核时,不同重建算法图像AI所得AS、VS、MS均无统计学差异。不同重建算法图像CT工作站所得AS与VS存在统计学差异。两种滤过核AI所得AS、VS、MS存在统计学差异;两种滤过核CT工作站所得AS、VS均存在统计学差异。滤过核Cardiac Standard下,两种测量方法所得AS、VS、MS均无统计学差异,滤过核Cardiac Sharp下,两种测量方法所得AS、VS均存在统计学差异,一致性均较好。滤过核为Cardiac Stand且使用iDose 1和2的图像组,危险分层一致性最高,Kappa系数为0.967。结论:重建算法与滤过核对AI和CT工作站测量冠状动脉钙化积分影响较大,临床实践中需谨慎选择。


    Abstract: Objective: This study aims to analyze the impact of the reconstruction algorithm and filter on the measurement of coronary artery calcification scores using artificial intelligence (AI) and to evaluate the accuracy and consistency of risk stratification by AI-measured calcification scores. Methods: A retrospective analysis was conducted on coronary artery calcification score CT images from January 2024 at our hospital. A total of 30 cases were included, with 18 males and 12 females. Twelve groups of images were reconstructed using different reconstruction algorithms (FBP, iterative iDose4 level 1~5) and filtering kernels (Cardiac Standard and Cardiac Sharp). Two methods including an AI image workstation and a CT workstation were used to measure the coronary artery Agatston score (AS), volume score (VS), and mass score (MS) for each group of images, and to calculate risk stratification. The AS, VS, and MS obtained from different reconstruction algorithms were subjected to multiple-sample Friedman tests using measurements from both AI and CT workstations. For images using two different filtering kernels, paired Wilcoxon tests were conducted on the AS, VS, and MS measured by AI and CT workstations. Paired Wilcoxon tests and intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) were performed on the AS, VS, and MS measured by both methods across the 12 groups of images. The consistency of risk stratification was analyzed using the weighted Kappa coefficient. The results measured by the CT workstation were used as a reference. Results: With the Cardiac Standard filtering kernel, there were statistically significant differences in the Agatston score (AS) and volume score (VS) measured by AI across different reconstruction algorithms, but no significant difference in the mass score (MS). With the Cardiac Sharp filtering kernel, there were no statistically significant differences in AS, VS, and MS measured by AI. Statistically significant differences were observed in AS and VS measured by the CT workstation across different reconstruction algorithms. Statistical differences were present in AS, VS, and MS measured by AI using both filtering kernels and in AS and VS measured by the CT workstation using both filtering kernels. Under the Cardiac Standard filtering kernel, there were no significant differences in AS, VS, and MS between the two measurement methods, while under the Cardiac Sharp filtering kernel, there were significant differences in AS and VS between the two methods, with good consistency (ICC > 0.75). The highest consistency in risk stratification was observed in image groups using the Cardiac Standard filtering kernel and iDose levels 1 and 2, with a Kappa coefficient of 0.967. Conclusion: The choice of reconstruction algorithms and filtering kernels greatly affects the accuracy of coronary artery calcification scores. Both AI and CT workstations rely on these choices, making careful selection critical in clinical practice.


